Deity Dossier Mini - Detailed information about a spirit, ghost, or deity. Intuitive psychic tarot oracle card divination reading


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Are you being haunted? Is someone trying to get a hold of you? This spread is specifically designed to help those who are approached or run into a spirit, deity, ancestor, ghost, or other spiritual being but have no solid idea who they are or what they want. This will give you the rundown of this being and help you figure out who they are.

This spread is all the goodness of the larger Deity Dossier spread but far more accessible. The information is more compact but will still offer details about the spirit entity around you and gives suggestions on who it may be. It points you in the right direction for any research you're attempting on this one being.

Tarot and oracle cards aren't just for telling the future; they can also be used to gain deeper insight or advice. I'm a professional card reader, psychic, and seer with a decade of reading experience.

You'll receive a detailed breakdown of your reading in a downloadable PDF. Included will also be at least one photo of the reading through email. It can take up to 5 business days to complete your reading.

You can read more about the specific tools and decks used in my readings here:

This listing is for the specific spread and purpose listed above only. If you're looking for reading not for the purpose indicated above, please go here:

Thank you for looking!

Decks featured:
Photo one: Fairy Lights Tarot by Lucia Mattioli © Lo Scarabeo
Photo two: Madam Endora's Fortune Cards by Christine Filipak and Joseph Vargo © Monolith Graphics
Photo three: Linestrider Tarot: Kickstarter Edition by Siolo Thompson © Spread by This Crooked Crown
Photo four: Sacred Rebels by Alana Fairchild and Autumn Skye Morrison © Blue Angel Publishing

Please review all shop policies BEFORE purchase. I am legally bound to say that all divination and spell work are curios only. I am not responsible for the misuse of my products.

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